Budownictwo i architektura / Civil engineering and architecture

Шановні колеги!

Висловлюємо Вам щиру вдячність за інформаційну підтримку наукової роботи університету.

Високо цінуємо Ваш внесок: він значно збагатить наш фонд, і надасть можливість ознайомитись з сучасними дослідженнями в області будівництва та архітектури.

Сподіваємось, що в майбутньому ми також можемо розраховувати на отримання Вашого журналу і це лише успішний початок нашої співпраці.

Директор бібліотеки Н. І. Хілобоченко


Dear colleagues!

We’d like to express our deepest appreciation for your information support of our university. We highly value your contribution to our library fund. It will give the opportunity to learn about the modern researches in building and architecture.

We hope that in future we will continue to cooperate.



Mrs. Nataliia Khilobochenko

The Chief Librarian                                    

Budownictwo i architektura Budownictwo i architektura

“Budownictwo i Architektura” is a peer-reviewed, international, multidisciplinary quarterly published in English and Polish language by Lublin University of Technology, in an electronic and printed version. The articles presented in this journal concern fields (categories) of architecture and urban sciences, civil engineering and transport. The aim of the journal is to propagate the results of the scientific research conducted in structural engineering, mechanics of composite materials, road and bridges design, geotechnics, construction materials manufacturing methods, the subjects of history of architecture and restoration of built heritage. The journal publishes in open access formula on the Creative Commons licence (CC BY-SA 4.0 PL). (more)

Publishing frequency: quarterly (subsequent issues published in March, June, September, December)

Publication year of the first issue: 2007

ISSN: 2544-3275 (online), 1899-0665 (print)

DOI: 10.35784

Publisher: Lublin University of Technology

Subject areas (categories): architecture and urban sciences, civil engineering and transport

Language: English, Polish

Review type: double-blind peer review

Publication fee: free of charge

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution – Share Alike (CC BY-SA 4.0 PL)

Self-archiving policy: the author is allowed to publish the postprints and publisher’s version of the articles

Number of points on the Polish Ministry of Sciences and Higher Education list: 20

ICV points: 100.00 (2020)

Indexed in: Academic Journals, AriantaBASEBazTechCEEOLDimensionsDOAJ, EBSCO, ERIH PlusGoogle ScholarIndex CopernicusInfonaNorwegian RegisterPBN/POL-IndexPublonsSherpa RomeoTIBWorldWideScience.