Наукометричні вебінари Elsevier жовтень-грудень 2023р. (англійською мовою)

Professional Development Webinars

3.10.2023    11:00   

ScienceDirect : Conducting a successful literature search​. A researcher’s guide to tools, terms and techniques

Learn how to effectively search for scientific literature, from determining keywords to selecting tools, from search techniques to evaluating and organizing discovered content.

Find out more about Elsevier's solutions supporting researchers.

Webinar Registration - Zoom : https://elsevier.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_mo-kTkUZQl-1ph77h5k8FA

17.10.2023    11:00

Scopus, SciVal : Stay updated: Recent changes in Scopus, SciVal, and other RI solutions

In the rapidly changing landscape of Research Intelligence, it's crucial to stay on top of improvements in tools like Scopus and SciVal. Join to learn about the latest updates in these renowned Elsevier solutions that will enable you to strengthen your research evaluation strategy, make data-driven decisions and increase your institution's competitiveness.

Webinar Registration - Zoom : https://elsevier.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8Q340BXUQzGXrAjK5U9EnQ

31.10.2023    11:00

Reaxys : Learn about new features in Reaxys. Not only for organic chemists.
Learn about new features in Reaxys. We will show the new Reaxys Academic Edition with its AI-based predictive synthesis and bioactivity modules. We will talk about searching for patents and new technologies of data extraction.

Webinar Registration - Zoom : https://elsevier.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2JOfL73FRaubxrWS-i8Yvw

14.11.2023    11:00

ScienceDirect : ScienceDirect - straight to the point, or how to search scientific literature in a full-text database

Learn how to search for scientific literature using simple and advanced search on the ScienceDirect platform. Discover tips and tricks for researchers and get better results.

Webinar Registration - Zoom : https://elsevier.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7rzBZgSOTnSUzewfBBFUVA

28.11.2023    11:00    

Scopus, SciVal : Elevating University Visibility: Harnessing the Power of Elsevier RI Solutions (Scopus, SciVal, etc.)

With increased competition in academia, there is a critical need to build and increase the visibility of universities. In our webinar, you will learn how solutions such as Scopus and SciVal enable institutions to strategically position themselves on the global stage.

Webinar Registration - Zoom : https://elsevier.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_60kykbwyRfmiY1LwOcZ5LQ

12.12.2023    11:00

Scopus : Search, identify, organize literature with Scopus.

Techniques for conducting comprehensive literature searches, identifying relevant sources, and organizing research findings.

Webinar Registration - Zoom : https://elsevier.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_eRWZXHzpTG-rLXQqqNmNEA

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